Zelenye Linii LLC
A production unit of SOYUZSNAB Group of Companies
Product range | Over 6,000 items |
Branch network | 18 branches in Russia and near abroad |
Suppliers | 25 countries worldwide |
Representative offices | India, China, Europe, USA |
Clients base | 10,000 Customers |
People | 500 employees |
Annual turnover | Over $250 million |
Specialization: manufacturing of raw materials and ingredients for food industry enterprises. The production capacities are located in Kaluga region (Russia) and Fergana (Uzbekistan).
Our key business concept is a full supply of enterprises representing each sector of the food industry with high-quality innovative ingredients.
Zelenye Linii LLC boasts a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment enabling the company to perform any difficult tasks related to the production of food ingredients:
- Obtaining a wide selection of products with desired characteristics.
- Manufacturing any products upon a customer's request in the shortest time possible.
- Providing accurate instrumental analysis of the quality of the finished products. Identifying and setting almost all the parameters which determine sensory and functional properties of the food ingredients.
- Testing all types of food products with our ingredients in the pilot workshops.
- Developing new recipes of food products.
- Working on unique projects in the field of production of food ingredients.
Quality Control
Since 2012 the entire production cycle in Zelenye Linii LLC has been administered in accordance with the standards of the international quality management system ISO 22 000 and FSSC 22 000. Every year the SGS international auditor conducts monitoring to ensure compliance with the standards.
Over the years, Zelenye Linii LLC has been certified by the FDA - the most strict medical certification system that guarantees product safety and quality, allowing its export to the US market.
The production of bacterial cultures
The development of the AiBi® cultures is conducted at the Biotechnological Center Zelenye Linii SPA. The Center is equipped with modern thin-profile equipment, which allows to process up to 50 new bacterial cultures combinations daily.
Robotized station Freedom Evo by the Swiss company Tecan allows to analyze 96 cultures during a single cycle. It provides a complete automation of processes during microbiological tests: cultivation and dosage of nutrient media, incubation at a set temperature, readout of growth rates of microorganisms, processing and generation of the result in graph and digital forms.
Strains are identified with the use of the Microflex Maldi-tof mass spectrometer based on their sort and species. The strain identification is carried out directly on a colony grown in a dish without labor-intensive preparations. The analysis takes not more than 1.5 hours, the scope of the analysis - 96 samples per step.
The pH system Icinac allows precise tracking of the oxidation curves of simultaneously 32 bacterial cultures in an automatic mode, excluding the human factor in obtaining the data. Due to this, the clients of SOYUZSNAB GC receive not only the correct culture oxidation curves, but also the information that allows them to assess the behavior of cultures during storage.
Thanks to the unique research instruments, the specialists of Zelenye Linii SPA successfully solve practically unsolvable tasks: on-line monitoring of the technological process flow, prompt reception of reliable information on target strains, rendering of timely assistance in microbial analysis.
Cultivation of production-valuable strains is carried out on a line of fully automated fermenters, which excludes the human factor. Concentration of a biomass proceeds as quickly as possible, which allows it to retain high activity and prevent the bacterial die-off. A specially selected composition of protective media minimizes losses during freezing or drying of microflora. Sublimation is carried out on modern lyophilic drying installation. This kind of drying has by far the lowest impact on bacterial preparations.
Zelenye Linii SPA follows the innovative express methods, which reduce the control stage of a production process by 50% and the whole production cycle by 25-50%. This allows our clients to receive custom bacterial cultures within short timeframes.
Each new bacterial culture undergoes testing in the composition of its intended finished food product.
The range of AiBi bacterial cultures grows annually. To date the collection includes more than 75 bacterial cultures used by producers of various food industry branches.
The sales growth dynamics in volume terms reaches 20% a year.
The new tasks set before food producers lead to the emergence of new solutions in the field of biotechnology.