Slow down the firming of bread and prevent the development of rope spoilage
Improve product quality
Increase the volume yield
Make the soft part of bread more elastic
Provide a flavor profile similar to that of freshly baked “country-style” bread
Furthermore, AiBi® Starter cultures are natural raw material.
Microbiologists of SOYUZSNAB Group of Companies have developed new AiBi® starter cultures for bakery industry, which can be used in the following ways:
In the propagation of cultures for rye and mixed wheat-rye bread;
In the production of wheat bread using the pre-ferment method.
The use of AiBi® Starter сultures in the production of wheat bread with help of pre-ferment method allow manufacturers to improve the flavor profile, inhibit the development of rope spoilage and slow down the mold formation and firming. These beneficial effects are due to carefully selected composition of pure cultures of lactic acid microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus casei which have not only acid-formation ability, but also strong antibacterial properties against undesirable microflora of bread.
The use of AiBi® Starter сultures do not require any changing in the bread manufacturing process.