Rus Eng

Starter cultures AiBi LcLS 30.11 В and 30.11 BF for sour cream

One of the Russian dairy plants has assigned technologists of «Soyuzsnab» group of companies with the task of production of sour cream with the fat content of 30 % in such a way that will allow to elude the defect of «package swelling». It is commonly known that such a defect may appear due to the most diverse factors. It may appear due to aroma-forming bacteria of starter cultures, which yield gaseous substances - carbon dioxide, diacetyl and acetoin; microbiological bacterization of the product by pathogenic flora; low quality foil; nonobservance of technological parameters during prepackaging; increased rate of prepackaging.

Application of Starter cultures AiBi LcLS 30.11 В and 30.11 BF aids to effective resolution of such problems. The specified mesothermophylic starter cultures differ by functionality from other starter cultures AiBi for sour cream, i.e. they don’t contain aroma-forming bacteria and add tender creamy taste to sour cream and by virtue of specially selected strains Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris aid to formation of very dense, thick and viscous texture. The process engineers of the plant have deservedly assessed quality of sour cream, obtained with the help of specified starter cultures.