Starter cultures of AiBi range have taken part in Shanghai FIC food ingredients fair
FIC fair, the biggest food ingredient exhibition in China, took place on March 26 - 28 in Shanghai. The AiBi starter cultures branded and manufactured by scientific and production company ZELENYE LINII (Green lines) were presented at two distributors` booths namely Quanga and Gushen.
Among the represented products of AiBi range there were:
- AiBi Starter cultures, series LbS 22.11 R2
- AiBi Starter cultures, series LbS 22.11 R3
- AiBi Starter cultures, series LbS 22.11 R4;
- AiBi Starter cultures, series LbS 22.11 R5
The visitors to the booth were offered to taste the traditional sour dairy products made with the starter cultures. The representatives of a number of companies showed their interest. The mentioned distributors received orders for samples, specification, as well as the request for cottage-cheese test production. A number of producers also took an interest in kefir, tann and acidofillin while an owner of a vegetable fermentation plant was interested in starter cultures for the fermentation of cabbage.
Following the exhibition results a number of lab productions with AiBi starter cultures were held at the distributors’ enterprises (Wuhan Shengze Shipin Peiliao / Cario, Wenda). In particular a successful production of set, stirred yogurt, milk drink with AiBi cultures of LbS 22.11 R2, R3, R4, R5 series were performed. The work resulted in development of the plan to promote AiBi SCs in Chinese market including the shipment of the first product lot to China and organization of a training for Chinese technologists in the head-office of SOYUZSNAB. The main accent was decided to be made on manufacturing the products yet unknown in China, such as sour-cream, sugared Airann, low-fat curd mass, acidofillin and ryazhenka.
The representatives of distributor Wenda carried out the comparative analysis of AiBi Series LbS 22.11 R2, R3, R4, R5 starter cultures with those provided by one of the biggest starter culture producing competitors. As a result of this test production the Chinese technologists have noted an excellent sour dairy aroma and taste of the products made with AiBi cultures and low post-oxidation in the end-product. The major interest of a distributor was acidofillin. From the Chinese professionals` perspective this product will fit into the market of the Northern China. So the distributor has addressed the SOYUZSNAB technologists for acidofillin recipe and consequently the SC samples.
Now it is among the future plans of SOYUZSNAB to co-operate with Chinese distributors again at the forthcoming FIA exhibition in June and to visit a number of big dairy plants in China in order to learn the sour dairy products traditional for China and understand the market needs, as well as to analyze the problem the Chinese manufacturers might have faced.