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AiBi 1.01 Starter Culture for bakery products: key elements of the production of this natural preservative

A growth medium consisting of sugars is fermented during the cultivation of lactic acid bacteria. In the course of this process, the bacteria increase their weight and release sugar derivatives, namely acids and their salts: propionic, lactic, acetic acids and other bactericides into the medium. The final filtration separates the lactic acid bacteria from the medium in order to get the amount of microorganisms necessary to produce starter cultures for dairy industry.

And the medium with all its pathogen suppressive ingredients is dried out and concentrated. As the result, we get the powder containing a lot of active ingredients, which can be easily used in the production of foods. So, here is how we obtain the product able to protect bakeries from bacteriological damage − AiBi® 1.01 Starter Culture with all-natural content. The main active constituents of this culture are most effective against molds and rope spoilage of bread.

AiBi® 1.01 Starter Culture for bakery products is available in the form of powder, which makes it easy-to-use in the production environment. Recommended dosage is 0.1% - 1.0% to the flour mass. The precise dosage depends on the product moisture, activity of water, packaging, season, desired shelf life, etc.

Feel free to order samples for the protection of your bread and clean label of your products! Experts of SOYUZSNAB Group of Companies are always happy to provide technological assistance and help you with choosing the optimal dosage of starter cultures.