Rus Eng

Supply of bacterial cultures to China for the production of cultured dairy products

The Russia-specific cultured dairy products based on the AiBi® starter cultures are gaining popularity in China.

The Chinese market is comparatively young and just 100 years ago it deemed cultured dairy products inedible. Today the Chinese dairy market is one of the fastest growing, although, its range is still limited to yogurts and drinking milk.

High potential of the Chinese market on one hand and rich experience in the production of cultured dairy, own production of bacterial cultures and highly professional staff of GC Soyuzsnab on the other became company's entry ticket to the Chinese market.

In 2007 Group of Companies Soyuzsnab was the first in Russia to market bacterial cultures of own production. From 2007 to date the Russian market has been looking for local producers, since for lack of alternatives it fully relied on foreign exports. Today's industry leader GC Soyuzsnab not only tapped Russian and CIS markets but also entered European, USA and Chinese markets.

For more than 10 years Soyuzsnab's representative office has been operating in China. From 2014 the company has been supplying the Chinese dairy producers with starter cultures for their most popular product - yogurt. These producers simultaneously have been introducing to the Chinese market traditional Russian cultured dairy products (ryazhenka, kefir, matzoni), along with the new technologies and lactose-free products, i.e. cottage cheese bio paste, produced using the waste-free technology, lactose-free products, based on AiBi® starters and produced without the use of special equipment or enzymatic agents.

In addition, due to the China's growing interest in healthy nutrition, GC Soyuzsnab is currently implementing probiotic and protective AiBi® cultures.

Therefore, through the own unique projects of our biotechnologists, such as high quality ecological bacterial cultures AiBi®, traditional Russian cultured dairy products gain traction and grow in popularity in China.