The participation in FIC 2018
FIC – the largest Asian exhibition. The exhibition space has reached more than 110 thousand square meters. The exhibitors - 1500 companies and about 50 000 professionals from 35 countries.
The group of companies «SOYUZSNAB» have been actively working for more than 4 years on the Chinese market. During this time, close partnerships have been built with the majority of dairy enterprises, joint projects have been launched. The launch at the largest dairy holding of glazed curd cheese was very important and significant last year, thanks to our company, the first Chinese manufacturer of this dairy dessert.
This year, due to the rapidly growing demand for fermented products based on vegetable raw materials, coconut and soy yogurts, fully vegan products, and special starter cultures AiBi 22.50 LOW, AiBi 22.30. were developed for the FIC exhibition.
Coconut yogurts – dessert, containing 60% coconut pulp, and drinking coconut yogurt - containing 40% coconut pulp got approval and attracted the greatest interest. Complementary to the pure flavors, in order to expand the assortment there also were presented coconut yogurts with fillings: chocolate (Classic «Chocolate N 700»), pineapple (Denfruit «Pineapple N 809»), lemon (Denfruit «Lemon N 807»), strawberry-lemon (Denfruit «Strawberry-Lemon N 808»).
The customers were pleasantly impressed by the thick, dense (for the dessert group), ideally homogeneous consistency and balanced taste and aroma of coconut with fermented milk notes. In addition, AiBi 22.50 LOW starter has a very low post-oxidation, that’s especially valuable for Chinese conditions associated with differences and non-compliance with temperatures during transportation and storage on store shelves.
Soy yogurt also was popular for the consumers, especially among the customers from the southern regions. One of the leading Chinese holding showed great interest, noting the homogeneous consistency, pleasant sour-milk taste and aroma of AiBi 22.30, as well as the combination of soy yogurt with a new Denfruit “Sea-buckthorn-chia” filling.
Also were noted the many new dairy products:
- starter culture based on low post-oxidation creamy protein yogurts (AiBi 22.10) and Denfruit fillings: gooseberry - chia, strawberry - chia, sea-buckthorn - chia, baked pumpkin – orange - chia, baked pumpkin – pear - chia;
- ryazhenka (type of plain yogurt) based on low post-oxidation starter culture (AiBi 4.50 LOW) with Denfruit fillings: prune, orange, (ryazhenka with prunes didn’t leave anyone indifferent);
- curdled milk based on starter culture AiBi 22.11 ALTAI;
- lactose-reduced yogurt based on starter culture AiBi 4.01 SWEET GT;
- cheese-flavored yogurt based on starter culture AiBi 21.04.
The popularity and interest in previously presented products are still actual: cream cheeses with gastronomic tastes: porcini mushrooms, garlic paprika, tomato-basil, dill cucumber; sour cream; chechil; curds; cottage cheese; glazed curd cheese.
The group of companies «SOYUZSNAB» became the only Russian manufacturer once again at the exhibition. The show attracted more than 2500 visitors. The agreements have been reached on increasing contacts with the existing clients and managing relationship with new ones.